BE QUIET Pure Wings 2 120mm

14,94 €
The Pure Wings 2 family fans are unique in their class, combining outstanding reliability, silent cooling, and a great price-for-performance ratio. It's impressive how much quiet technology the German engineering team has crammed into these fans at this amazing price. They are the ultimate reason to put well-known be quiet! silent cooling in your PC if you haven't already done so.
The Pure Wings 2 120 mm model combines all of the above essential features. It provides maximum cooling airflow and operating noise levels down to a silent 19.2 dB (A). The increased air pressure makes the fans especially recommended for use in water cooling and air cooling setups.

    LOGITECH Bluetooth Audio Adapter

    48,82 €
    Don't compromise on sound. This Bluetooth Audio Adapter is tuned at Logitech labs to deliver high-quality acoustics. Pair your smartphone and tablet simultaneously with multipoint Bluetooth wireless technology. Stream audio from either device to your speakers.
    Pair your device with one press of the convenient pairing button. The re-pairing is automatic for hassle-free experience. Connect powered speakers with RCA or 3.5 mm inputs. You can use your PC speakers, a home stereo system or A/V receiver.